Monday, November 29, 2010

Pilates Pat.

We have come together this evening
to celebrate Pat
to celebrate having Pat in our lives
and to celebrate not only Pat's success
but her incredible contribution
to the health joy and wellbeing
of the many many people that are able to tap into  Pat magic
both personally and directly in her classes
and indirectly through her 2 books and DVD
This 2nd book, Pilates For All
with its accompanying DVD
is a magnum opus,
a monumental achievement by any standard
and a huge contribution to  the health and wellbeing mankind.
It is in fact a Pilates Bible
a readible fascinating instruction manual
of how to rehabilitate any physical aspect in need  of attention,
how to become stronger and more flexible,
and how to stay in peak condition.
It is in fact......
They say that if you can leave the world in a differant place from where you found it,
if you can have a transformational effect on peoples' lives
then this has been a life well and very successfully lived
and Pat can relax in the knowledge that at an early age
she has made this gigantic contrib to society.
They say
that when a butterly flaps its
Well. our beautiful butterfly has flapped her wings
And at a young age.
Am sure you will continue to make yr own unique contribution to society
in many more meaningful ways,
but right now it is time  to party,
time to celebrate "the lovely Patricia"
as David calls Pat
time to sail with the winds
and to drive on the dunes
and to marry the beloved David..
Who has waited patiently for you to complete your magnun opus
and provided such a loving support system
for the work in progress.
The beauty is that whever you are  in the world,  dearest Pat, 
near or far,
we can tap into your Pat magic,
any time, any day
just by having Pilates For All next to the bed,
and or spending a few minutes with the Dvd