Thursday, June 17, 2010

Soccer World Cup perspective

Just to keep you up to date on the prevailing ethos in the land of the World Cup.

" I'm sure sex wouldn't be as rewarding as winning the World Cup. It's not that sex isn't good, but the World Cup is every four years and sex is not."

- Ronaldo

Not Everyone, I might add, would agree.

Last night's game in the Fairest Cape was held

in freezing cold, driving rain and Hail as big as Duck's Eggs.

Spectators were fleeing their seats in droves.

While sex tends to be more often an indoor sort of activity warm and snuggly after which you can choose to doze off if you like, without first getting into your car

(after walking a few kilometres to the parking,)

and then spending two hours on what is essentially a seven minute trip!

Last night, on the road myself for 2 hours,

3 hours Before the Game,

I thanked the Almighty

from the bottom of my heart,

that the World Cup is Only every 4 years!

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